7. 9. 2017Goran Dragić is playing the best basketball in his national team career. He shines on the court and is a real leader of the team, both on and off the court.
25. 8. 2017Slovenia is one of Europe’s more earthquake-prone countries, so it’s no surprise that it was here, in his homeland, where Ferdinand "Ferdo" Seidl built his reputation as an expert on earthquakes and ...
3. 8. 2017Ena najbolj seksapilnih hollywoodskih igralk Sofia Vergara je pri 45 letih odvrgla vsa oblačila in tako pozirala za naslovnico revije Women's Health.
3. 8. 2017In a 40-kilometer stretch between Nova Gorica and Sežana, no fewer than three railroad tracks cross the international border between Slovenia and Italy, but they have no passenger traffic.
18. 7. 2017Hollywoodske štorklje imajo oziroma bodo imele v naslednjih mesecih precej dela – zadnji v vrsti znanih, ki pričakujejo naraščaj, so Mindy Kaling, Topher Grace in Jessica Alba, ki se bo razveselila ...
12. 7. 2017Because lynx in Slovenia and neighboring countries are facing extinction, authorities are about to launch the international Life Lynx project, which will resettle 14 animals from Slovakia and Romania.
13. 6. 2017What may at first glance appear to be just another mountaintop in the Italian part of the Julian Alps, not far from the border with Slovenia, happens to be one of the most important pilgrimage ...
20. 5. 2017"Če glasba povezuje ljudi, zakaj pa potem Thompson ne organizira koncerta v Beogradu?" je bil le eden izmed številnih odzivov MMC-jevih bralcev na prepoved koncerta Thompsona v Mariboru.
3. 5. 2017Hollywoodski igralec Brad Pitt je priznal, da je imel hude težave z alkoholom, a te so zdaj za njim. 53-letni igralec se je v intervjuju za GQ popolnoma odprl.
30. 4. 2017For nearly three decades the family company LOTRIČ Meroslovje (LOTRIČ Metrology) has performed calibration, testing and certification, and developing superlative, technologically perfected and yet ...
14. 4. 2017Although Slovenia has a long history of cooperatives, we have come to realize the true meaning of cooperatives in the last decade, perhaps thanks to the economic crisis during which Slovenia's ...
7. 4. 2017Oboževalci Amy Schumer so stopili igralki v bran, potem ko se je ob njeno naslovnico v kopalkah v reviji In Style obregnila oblikovalka kopalk Dana Duggan, lastnica znamke South Shore Swimwear.
18. 3. 2017Dear expatriates who live, work or study in Slovenia,you are kindly invited to the next Radio Si International Club event, which will be held on Saturday May 20th 2017 in Maribor, at the RTV center ...
5. 3. 2017Emma Watson je pred večjo prelomnico v svoji karieri. Z vlogo v novem filmu Lepotica in zver želi dokazati, da je prerasla okvire otroške zvezdnice. A vsem to ni po godu.