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News in English Matej Praprotnik, from a master of manipulation to a stand up comedian?

2. 4. 2014The work of Matej Praprotnik is infused with humour. While he was hosting the morning programme at Val 202, he used the famous radio manipulations.


News in English And the award for the best slovenian ambassador goes to… slovenian athletes!

12. 3. 2014The majority of Slovenians who either travel or live abroad, have encountered the following situation: “Where did you say you come from? Slovenia? Oh, Handanović! And Dragić, great NBA player! And ...


News in English "For translators an 8-hour workday is mainly just wishful thinking"

14. 2. 2014Ana Jasmina Oseban received the Radojka Vrančič Award for young translators at the Ljubljana book fair in November 2013. The selection jury was impressed by her translation of Blumenberg, a ...


Avtomobilnost Megane je dobil nov obraz

9. 1. 2014Megane sledi s posodobljeno zunanjo podobo novim oblikovnim trendom znamke, hkrati pa so poskrbeli tudi za oplemenitev ponudbe motorjev in opreme.


News in English Travel by train from Slovenia to Russia, or take a direct train to Italy

15. 12. 2013Today, a new timetable of the Slovenian Railways company came into effect, bringing minor changes in local traffic, and major in international passenger traffic.


News in English A controller will enable you to operate your lawnmower from your terrace

17. 11. 2013At the prestigious TechCrunch conference, which is devoted to start-ups, a team from the Slovene company ITSI INFO was one of the 100 teams from all over the world to have succeeded in reaching ...


News in English Where to celebrate St Martin's Day? You may visit many places, including Goriška brda.

9. 11. 2013This weekend, several wine events will take place in Slovenia as part of the Feast of St Martin, which is celebrated on 11 November, when, according to tradition, young wine or must (mošt) turns ...


News in English Salt is the sea that could not return to the sky

14. 9. 2013The activity of the Maritime Museum Piran incorporates Slovenia into the Mediterranean and European region as a maritime country. It helps its visitors to understand the life of people living by the ...


News in English Political analysts: Coalition will hardly survive winter

13. 9. 2013It is a Slovenian problem – we don’t understand that the best option among a number of bad ones must be considered a good option. Igor Pribac, Faculty of Arts


Film in TV Na sarajevski festival potujeta tudi dva slovenska filma

2. 8. 2013V tekmovalnem programu dokumentarnega filma na 19. mednarodnem filmskem festivalu v Sarajevu se bosta predstavila tudi dva slovenska filma - celovečerni film Mama Evropa (pomembnejša je Zemlja) ...


Evropska unija Iz Berlina klofuta Hrvaški - Merklove ne bo na slovesnost v Zagrebu

26. 6. 2013Čeprav je bila napovedana med gosti, nemške kanclerke Angele Merkel ne bo na slovesnost ob vstopu Hrvaške v EU. Po ugibanjih hrvaških medijev naj bi bil razlog za odpoved primer nekdanjega agenta ...


Nogomet Vsak dan so "bogatejši" za 10 nogometnih ekip

14. 6. 2013Nogometaš, ki ne sodi med zvezdnike, lahko pozornost tujih klubov pritegne z objavo svojega profila in življenjepisa na športnem omrežju Fieldoo.com.


Novice Ko turistične kampanje in slogani pritegnejo več pozornosti kot destinacija

5. 5. 2013Škotska trajektna družba Serco NorthLink je zadnja, ki je s svojim logotipom dvignila precej prahu. Kritike je zmotila podoba "vikinga Magnusa", ki da spominja na nacistično ikonografijo.


Knjige "Če moram umreti, bi rad umrl v Ljubljani ..."

28. 2. 2013Še preden je vedel, da je Ljubljana s spremembo ene same črke lahko tudi "ljubljena", in še davno, preden je slovensko prestolnico tudi ugledal v živo, se je Eduardo Sánchez Rugeles zaljubil v ...


Avtomobilnost Fluence je sodobnejši in privlačnejši

12. 11. 2012V Renaultovi ponudbi modelov predstavlja fluence triprostorsko klasiko, ki je iskana predvsem na vzhodu Evrope in neevropskih trgih, tudi tistih največjih.

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