It demonstrated the devastating explosive synergy of technical progress, dishonest international relations, mistrust, greed, brutality, cruelty, horror and lies. But the ruthless forces were opposed by heroism, sacrifice, ardent religious faith and mercy – values that should also today define an interpersonal relationship in all its aspects.
Looking back a hundred years enables us to see the great events of the Great War as new challenges: a chance to re-evaluate reactions triggered by the war and present events and phenomena connected with the war in a multilayered fashion.
In memory and as a reminder
Many countries will devote considerable attention to the 100th anniversary of WWI which will be marked in the coming years and Slovenia will be no exception.
In August 2012, the Slovenian Government established a National Committee for the 100th Anniversaries of WWI (2014–2018), which in cooperation with cultural, education and scientific institutions, associations and local committees will coordinate events in Slovenia during the four-year period.
The Committee will also organise or help organise annual central events and activities dedicated to the 100th anniversaries, provide a joint visual identity, establish contacts with foreign embassies in Slovenia and Slovenian embassies abroad, as well as liaise with its counterparts in other countries.
A special web portal will be set up by spring 2014 in order to attract even more of the general public and to present not only the loss of life on the battlefields, but also the broader social repercussions of WWI. It will include factual information, a historical overview of the war and associated developments, views of various personalities, a calendar or announcements of commemorative events, a special media section and interactive content.
Several exhibitions and conferences about WWI were organised in Slovenia in 2013, with many more to follow between spring 2014 and the end of 2018: a national commemoration, museum exhibitions, travelling exhibitions, international conferences and round tables, publications, concerts, documentaries, etc.
Slovenia will play an active role in commemorative events abroad
A ceremony in the former refugee camp at Bruck upon Leitha in Austria, an international symposium entitled The Place of the First World War in Southeastern European History in Sarajevo, an exhibition at the National Museum in Prague, the Isonzo Front exhibition in India, and a scientific consultation in Poland are only some of the most topical events planned for 2014.
The calendar of events in Slovenia and abroad is open-ended and will cater to all interests
The years from 2014 to 2018 will serve as an opportunity to increase the general awareness of the profound impact of WWI on the life of every Slovenian and the entire Slovenian community in political terms and, above all, from the standpoint of the multifaceted experience gained in WWI.
Petra Svoljšak, Milko Kos Historical Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Mateja Malnar Štembal, Government Communication Office