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Blogs - Arhiv

Why Slovenia?

Blogs Why Slovenia?


Last time, I discussed why cobblestone, socialism, advertising and Rog's Pony bicycles all help to make Slovenia a better place to live than America.

The #212challenge

Blogs The #212challenge


A few weeks ago UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson came to Slovenia to help us celebrate 25 years of diplomatic relations.

Lovely Ljubljana

Blogs Lovely Ljubljana


Slovenia may have closed its borders to international refugees, but it’s remarkably open to international literature.

Aleš Debeljak at the Cafe Europa

Blogs Aleš Debeljak at the Cafe Europa


On April 30 and May 1, 2016, Cafe Europa met for its twentieth anniversary in Krasnogruda, Poland to honor Aleš Debeljak, one of its founding members.

Who are our EU ships…

Blogs Who are our EU ships…


The EU election campaign has officially started in Slovenia but in reality could one argue if it actually has?

To be, or not to be… Is EU the question?

Blogs To be, or not to be… Is EU the question?


Is the upcoming European election in Slovenia developing into a tragic comedy? If asked a week ago I would have given a resounding ‘No’.

The House of Cards… reshuffled!

Blogs The House of Cards… reshuffled!


I got in trouble last week with my blog post – three times in fact. While one person at the RTV Slovenia news site said it was simply boring and one commented that I’m stupid for not speaking better ...

Pandemonium… or is it all well planned?

Blogs Pandemonium… or is it all well planned?


I was sitting in the Mickey Mouse bar, a colourfully decorated café of the European Parliament last week, discussing the EP elections which have now crossed the psychologically important mark of 50 ...

Football for Peace?

Blogs Football for Peace?


Bill Shankly's quote: "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that" is well ...

The End Game

Blogs The End Game


Strap yourself in and get ready for the fun and games a political drama can provide – the next two months will be as exciting as the next episode of my favourite political drama Borgen. In one of ...

Coffee and tea cultures in Slovenia and England

Blogs Coffee and tea cultures in Slovenia and England


Unlike my previous posts, the following one will not talk about sport, but about something that is part and parcel of my study life as well – coffee.

And the award for the best slovenian ambassador goes to… slovenian athletes!

News in English And the award for the best slovenian ambassador goes to… slovenian athletes!


The majority of Slovenians who either travel or live abroad, have encountered the following situation: “Where did you say you come from? Slovenia? Oh, Handanović! And Dragić, great NBA player! And ...

2014 European Parliament elections – have the times really changed?

Blogs 2014 European Parliament elections – have the times really changed?


This year’s European Parliament elections are supposed to be like no other before. The official EP election slogan of ‘Act. React. Impact’ is supposed to capture this change: the EP says it now has ...

The match against poverty

Blogs The match against poverty


Football is a great source of entertainment. But are entertainment and serious issues mutually exclusive? Tuesday's Match Against Poverty in Bern, organised on an annual level by the United Nations ...

Blogs "It is in cultural activities that a nation’s idea of itself is often best represented"


Culture is regularly used as a public diplomacy tool. For it is in its cultural activities that a nation’s idea of itself is often best represented. That’s also why Dutch embassies promote cultural ...

Blogs "Since my arrival, the bilateral relationship has encountered hardly any problems"


Even within EU member states reporting on foreign and domestic policy issues and lobbying for the national interest are still an important part of an ambassador’s daily agenda, especially if ...

Blogs "A Dutch ambassador spends almost half of his time on economic diplomacy"


I was wishing for a white Christmas and New Year’s Eve, having promised my family and grandchildren they might expect a lot of snow.

Blogs "Slovenia makes an interesting posting for a foreign observer and diplomat"


Although my first 100 days are over, having lived and worked for six months as the new Dutch ambassador in Slovenia, I am still somewhat at a loss for words when describing our new home.

2014, the year when Aliens made first contact

News in English 2014, the year when Aliens made first contact


It is certainly fun to imagine that the year 2014 will be the one when Humans get contacted by aliens.

Wonderful memories of Christmas in Peru

News in English Wonderful memories of Christmas in Peru


When I remember Christmas in Peru I recall so many wonderful memories. My family started the celebrations on the twenty forth. I figured out not everyone celebrated the same way, and that made me ...

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