When human influence increased and serious studies revealed that humans, with their actions, are capable of outstripping the environment's self-regulation abilities and even human self-destruction, ecology continued its path supported by NGOs, scientific institutions, politicians, education institutes…
The opinion of the public has slowly changed. In general, it is more in favour of ecology. We can see that in the growing number of products with "eko" labels on them, which help their sale in supermarkets.
Protecting the environment has pushed its way forward in becoming one of the key values of our society. And as the "eko" phrase slowly becomes a bit overused and commercial, it's being replaced by another, more adequate term "sustainable development". That's the new hit. Activities connected with sustainable development are strongly supported by EU institutions, which also see in it a global niche. EU's next budget is mostly focused on sustainable development.
Focusing on an environment and society-friendly development, at least in the European Union, is no longer a wish or something of the future. Today it is a fact to which Slovenian politics will also have to adjust.
Slovenia has a strong developmental advantage. According to surveys, Slovenians are above the average when it comes to environmental awareness, under the average regarding social stratification, above the average regarding education, and Slovenia has well-preserved natural resources compared to other EU members.
In short, we have a lot to show Europe and the world about the meaning of sustainable development in practice. However, despite all our potential we’re still coming up short.
When we talk to people about sustainable development we still notice that they don't really understand what it means. A number of people think they would have to move into caves in order to live an environment-friendly life. I would have found it difficult to grasp the meaning of sustainability as well, if I hadn't worked as a volunteer in many organic centers abroad. There, I had the chance to experience the meaning of sustainable living.
In order to show Slovenians what sustainable development is, at the Ecologists Without Borders organization we decided to set up the Istra Sustainable Park in Slovenia's Istria region, with the aim to allow everyone to experience sustainability in practice. We wish to show that it is possible to live a quality life, which would at the same time be environmentally-friendly and pleasant. Another wish is to create an area for cooperation, which would give birth to new synergies and help Slovenia realise its excellent potentials in the field of sustainable development.
I would like to see people dedicate some time on Earth Day to think about what they, as individuals, could do to make the world a better place. Let's not worry about how difficult it is to change the whole world. Let's start with ourselves, our family, our local surrounding. And maybe one advice – celebrate this day in nature. We can only love and wish to preserve the things we really know.