The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov in Maribor met with the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, and even more extensively with his Slovenian colleague, Minister Karl Erjavec. They mainly concentrated on the South Stream project, on the Ukrainian crisis, while they established that the Slovenian-Russian political and economic relations remain – traditionally - excellent.
In spite of doubts in realization of the South Stream project, at least as far as its crossing the Slovenian territory is concerned, we were again reassured that regarding the South Stream nothing really changed. "The obstacles are more of administrative than of political nature. If we succeeded in conforming the North Stream to the EU legislation, there is no reason we should not be able to do it for the South Stream as well. It is obvious, however, that we will have to wait for the new European Commission to start working at full speed; I believe then the time will come for renewed discussions regarding the placement of the South Stream, and its harmonization with the EU legislation," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs Karl Erjavec.
Lavrov agreed: "It is in our interest that those who by signing the intergovernmental agreements showed their intention of participating in the South Stream project actually participate in it. As far as the artificially created obstacles in realization of the project are concerned, we are convinced that the attempts to enforce retroactively with the European Union third energy legislative package does not comply with the established practice of relationship between civilized countries. It would not be fair, nor would it comply with the rules of international laws. The dialog between the participants in the South Stream project has been suspended at the Commissioner Oettinger initiative, yet Russia strives for the continuation of the dialogue," said Sergey Lavrov.
They also hope the bloodshed in Ukraine would end
He was visibly amused with the information that the USA showed discontent with his visit to Slovenia. He said that Russia in not much disturbed by the measures introduced by the West, mainly the compiling of lists of undesirable persons.
"Where Ukraine is concerned, I stopped following the lists of undesirable persons of all colours, as we are not interested in such measures. What we strive for is the end of bloodshed in Ukraine." According to Minister Erjavec, Slovenia shares that same wish.
A museum dedicated to the memory of Soviet POW
In Maribor Lavrov participated at the ceremony at the launching of the Museum of the Nazi Camp for Soviet Prisoners of War Stalag XVIII D /štalag 18D/, which the City Municipality of Maribor intends to establish with the cooperation of the Russian Embassy in Slovenia, and the National Liberation Museum. The high-profile guests laid a wreath in memory of more than 5 thousand Russian POW, subjected to Nazi violence in the camp in the Styria region.
Lavrov in his address thanked Slovenia, the City Municipality of Maribor, and individuals who gave the initiative for the museum.
Andrej Stopar, Radio Slovenija
Translated by G. K.