Gregor Virant: A suspect in criminal proceeding is inciting members of parliament to bring down the Minister of the Interior is leading us towards becoming a banana republic. Foto: Ergyn Žječi
Gregor Virant: A suspect in criminal proceeding is inciting members of parliament to bring down the Minister of the Interior is leading us towards becoming a banana republic. Foto: Ergyn Žječi
Uroš Čufer, Finance Minister, claims the increase of VAT is inevitable. Foto: BoBo

"It is an extremely unusual situation. A suspect in criminal proceeding, a person against whom the National Investigation Bureau is pressing charges, is inciting members of parliament to bring down the Minister of the Interior. It is extremely unusual, and is almost leading towards becoming a banana republic. We must put up a determined resistance to such practice."

Gregor Virant on Zoran Janković's persuading members of PS Party to support the interpellation against him
Karl Erjavec
"We will find a solution," is convinced the leader of DeSUS Karl Erjavec. Foto: BoBo

The government will chose the solutions most friendly to people.

Dejan Židan on filling the budget hole

According to his words, the meeting will be of utmost importance for the survival of the government, but first Gregor Virant, Minister of the Interior, must survive the interpellation on Friday. Our unofficial sources close to the PS party claim he will.

VAT tax won't be raised
" VAT tax won't increase, as the Civic list opposes it and therefore the number of votes in favour of the change is insufficient. We are looking for a different solution, told the head of the Civic list Gregor Virant to the journalists after the government session.

No definite solutions are known yet
It is too early to speak about definite solutions, but according to him next move must be made by the Finance Minister. "I believe we will get to a consensus; quite a few were discussed, and I suggested some as well. The president of the government knows that VAT increase lacks support in the parliament, and is also aware of the problems the raise of VAT tax would cause at this moment. She will point into another direction, i.e. to find the money where it can be found," explained Virant and added that there are still possibilities for savings within the public sector.

Without reduction of salaries and pensions
When asked if that means reduction in salaries, he answered that the solution should be such as to avoid interference with rights of civil servants, or of pensioners.

All is well
Virant refused to comment the conversation the Prime Minister had with the former president of the republic Milan Kučan on Wednesday afternoon. He also considers the interpellation against himself hollow. "I expect a lot of mud-slinging, but I am convinced the Ministry of Interior works well, and that everything is OK."

Direction: banana republic
Virant’s comment of the fact that the founder of the PS Party Zoran Janković tried to convince members of parliament to vote for the interpellation on Friday was: "It is an extremely unusual situation. A suspect in criminal proceeding, a person against whom the National Investigation Bureau is pressing charges, is inciting members of parliament to bring down the Minister of the Interior. It is extremely unusual, and is almost leading towards becoming a banana republic. We must put up a determined resistance to such practice."

As far as eventual coalition votes in favour of the interpellation are concerned, Virant said they belong to the interior problems the Positive Slovenia Party needs to resolve from the inside, of which they are aware.

Erjavec: There is no final solution
"We considered different options, but there is no final solution," said the leader of the DeSUS Party Karl Erjavec, who left the meeting before the other ministers.

They will find a solution
The presidents of the coalition parties will meet again, he said, and try to establish the optimal way to fill the hole of 200 million. Erjavec is convinced they will find a solution.

Virant is unbending
The complication was caused by the firm opposition of the Civic list leader Gregor Virant to filling the hole by increase of VAT tax. "At this point Virant won't bend, and is even willing to step out of the government," say sources close to his party. "On the other hand, Virant is a more flexible negotiator than i.e. the pensioner party. The coalition most certainly won't risk a government crisis because of VAT," added our co-speaker, who wished to keep his anonymity.

B. V., Saša Banjanac Lubej
Translated by G. K.

"It is an extremely unusual situation. A suspect in criminal proceeding, a person against whom the National Investigation Bureau is pressing charges, is inciting members of parliament to bring down the Minister of the Interior. It is extremely unusual, and is almost leading towards becoming a banana republic. We must put up a determined resistance to such practice."

Gregor Virant on Zoran Janković's persuading members of PS Party to support the interpellation against him

The government will chose the solutions most friendly to people.

Dejan Židan on filling the budget hole