I hope the PS Party MP's are aware of their responsibility. I believe it is right to check, after everything that has been done, whether I still have the support of 46 MPs to lead Slovenia into a brighter future.
Only with a clear mandate in my party, and a consensus of the entire government we can still lead Slovenia out of this uncertainty that is difficult to manage. We are not speaking of the world crisis any more, but of Slovenian one, and not economic, but political.
Janković is entitled to be dissatisfied, to criticize – he is not a member of the government. Everybody should, he included, take a look at the results we achieved in one year, which are better than anybody could have expected. We will take Slovenia back to where it belongs, if we will be allowed to continue our work.
We achieved a lot, but the most important achievement is that we are no longer trapped by financial speculators, and can stop wondering when their pillage of Slovenia will start. By this my most important promise to the citizens of Slovenia was fulfilled. I brought Slovenia into a safer haven, even if we will have to face preliminary elections.
"The coalition cannot be effective in the absence of fundamental consensus that is stronger than any coalition agreement, the consensus that the reason we are here is to find solutions to problems. By a confidence vote I will check whether we are still all willing to work in the best interest of Slovenia and her citizens, and check whether I still have the support in the parliament," told Bratušek to journalists.
Final decision on Sunday
She will decide whether to tie the confidence vote to law required for implementation of measures, or it will be done separately, which is a viable option.
PS Party congress: as soon as possible!
PM also said she suggested to the executive committee of her party to convene a party congress as soon as possible, at which she intends to seek the party presidency.
Clear mandate in the party, and in the government
"Only with a clear mandate in my party, and a consensus of the entire government, we can still lead Slovenia out of this uncertainty that is difficult to manage. We are not speaking of the world crisis any more, but of the Slovenian one, and it is not economic, but political," said the Prime Minister, and added: "I hope the PS Party MP's are aware of their responsibility. I believe it is right to check, after everything that has been done, whether I still have the support of 46 MPs to lead Slovenia into a brighter future."
She said the relationship within the PS Party parliamentary group is good, but the fact remains that PS Party is a democratic party which allows MPs to decide without any instructions, or pressures. "Those who make a different decision have every right, and responsibility to do so."
"I fulfilled the most important promise"
Once again she listed the accomplishments of her government in a little more than a year: "We achieved a lot, but the most important achievement is that we are no longer trapped by financial speculators, and can stop wondering when their pillage of Slovenia will start. By this my most important promise to the citizens of Slovenia was fulfilled. I brought Slovenia into a safer haven, even if we have to face preliminary elections," she said.
Historically low interest rate
She reminded of the predictions of positive economic growth, and increased economic activity. They intend to focus on additional strengthening of economy, the employment is increasing, data for March is encouraging. "At the end of the day, the interest rate for our loans is record low: 3.4 percent, or 180 basic points, i.e. 1.8 percent above German bonds. It is a historically low interest rate for Slovenia," she said and reminded that last year it was debatable whether we would be able to get the money at financial markets, and the price of borrowing was expected to be just shy of seven percent or 550 so-called basic points above German bonds. The difference is great, and it will show in the state budget," she announced optimistically.
"We will proceed with the property tax "
Alenka Bratušek announced that the activities regarding property tax will continue. They will study thoroughly the judgement of the Constitutional Court, and establish the necessary changes. She is however certain that property tax is one of the fairest taxes, and it is known to almost all countries. Property taxation is Slovenia is much below the European average.
VAT increase, and decrease of labour cost
Bratušek believes the coalition could agree on increase of VAT and simultaneous reduction of labour costs for the same amount. "It is the only alternative I am willing to discuss in order to increase the competitiveness of our economy."
Saša Banjanac Lubej, A. Č.
Translated by G. K.
I hope the PS Party MP's are aware of their responsibility. I believe it is right to check, after everything that has been done, whether I still have the support of 46 MPs to lead Slovenia into a brighter future.
Only with a clear mandate in my party, and a consensus of the entire government we can still lead Slovenia out of this uncertainty that is difficult to manage. We are not speaking of the world crisis any more, but of Slovenian one, and not economic, but political.
Janković is entitled to be dissatisfied, to criticize – he is not a member of the government. Everybody should, he included, take a look at the results we achieved in one year, which are better than anybody could have expected. We will take Slovenia back to where it belongs, if we will be allowed to continue our work.
We achieved a lot, but the most important achievement is that we are no longer trapped by financial speculators, and can stop wondering when their pillage of Slovenia will start. By this my most important promise to the citizens of Slovenia was fulfilled. I brought Slovenia into a safer haven, even if we will have to face preliminary elections.