12% of the respondents would vote for SD, two percent less for SDS. DeSUS, NSi, and SLS would also cross the parliamentary threshold. Foto: BoBo
12% of the respondents would vote for SD, two percent less for SDS. DeSUS, NSi, and SLS would also cross the parliamentary threshold. Foto: BoBo
Most people trust the euro, and the President of the State. Foto: EPA

Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), New Slovenia (NSi), and People's Party (SLS) would each get 5% of votes from the respondents, thus all of them ranking third. Positive Slovenia (PS) follows with 3% support, followed by Civic List (DL) on the seventh place with 1%. Three non-parliamentary parties would receive 1% of the votes as well, namely Liberal Democratic Party (LDS), Slovenian National Party (SNS), and Party for Sustainable Development of Slovenia (TRS).

The government of Alenka Bratušek is supported by 27% of the 835 respondents participating in the survey carried out by the Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre between November 25 and 27. 58% of the respondents do not support it.

They trust the president, and the euro …
The poll on trust in central state and social institutions shows that most of the respondents support the president of the republic, and euro (35% each). The trust in the present president is lower than in the past presidents, said Niko Toš from the Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre at the presentation of the November Politbarometer poll.

... but not parties and the Parliament
Political parties (1%), the Parliament (4%) and the government (6%) earned the least trust. Toš claims that shows the disintegration of the relationship between the public and the politics, or the void in the relationship between the power holders and the voters.

According to Toš the poll data regarding the general social conditions show that people still express their relative satisfaction with the living conditions, and prevailing personal happiness, in spite of the crisis awareness. The greatest number, namely 87%, is dissatisfied with democracy.

The respondents participating in the poll were also asked whether they would support the new Solidarity Party which is presently being founded by the major uprising movements. 44% gave an affirmative answer, 30% were against it. 26% were undecided.