Since it seems that the municipalities in Pomurje are indifferent to the above-mentioned issue, the Murska Sobota Social Services Centre has seized the initiative. At the centre, they emphasise that the region urgently needs at least one day centre for drug addicts.
Every day, approximately 30 addicts from the whole region of Pomurje visit the Murska Sobota Health Care Centre in order to receive methadone maintenance treatment or any other substitute opioid treatment. Most of them arrive at 6.30 am, when it is still dark outside. Since there is no waiting room, they often have to take their turn outside of the building. Moreover, the room where they consult the doctor reminds of a box room.
However, at least there is help provided, says a girl who has been trying to eliminate drugs from her life for several years and is one of a few who was ready to share her story with us.
How did you become addicted to drugs?
Firstly, at the age of about 17, I started smoking cannabis. It was on a Saturday ten years ago when a friend called me and offered me heroin. At that time I didn’t know what that was. As my boyfriend and I had nothing to smoke at the time, I decided to try it. And I liked it. Then, I wanted more and more of it: first, I took that drug at weekends, then every day. I became addicted and I needed increasingly more money, or at least 20 euro a day.
Three years afterwards, I couldn’t cope with my situation anymore, as I had no money and wasn’t in good physical condition. I realised that I wouldn’t be able to deal with the situation myself, so I finally plucked up the courage to seek help. As there are no drug treatment programmes in our region, I decided to go into methadone maintenance therapy which I receive by doctor Nenad Petrović. I’ve been struggling to beat my addiction for eight years. In the meantime, I’ve overcome heroin addiction. Many can hardly imagine how difficult it is to break this vicious circle.
What was the hardest thing for you?
Abstinence from drugs. When you are going through a crisis and everything hurts you so you are not able to move. However, when you know that you should move, you really have a strong wish to do so. I’m still deeply affected by stigmatisation, as many people think that drug addicts are bad and lazy. That makes me sad. I finished nursing school and completed my apprenticeship. And when an opportunity arises, I take any job. I’ve done various odd jobs. I’m unemployed at the moment, but I would do any job for sure.
What do you live for?
For my not yet 2-year-old daughter. I’m doing my best because of her, so that I’d be able to start my life anew without the substitute treatment.
Blaž achieves success after spending many years at a rehabilitation centre
We really hope that she will succeed. As did many, among them Blaž. I first met him at the Kobilje drug abuse rehabilitation centre two years ago. He was firmly convinced that he would succeed. Apparently, he did.
Today, he says: “I must confess it was difficult to overcome addiction. Moreover, I can’t describe the feeling that arouses when you finally beat it. But you should not delude yourself into thinking that you are out of danger yet. Today, I’ve got a job, I have an apartment and a few new friends; I live a normal life. At the same time I’m paying for mistakes that I made when I was addicted: I pay penalties, apologise to people whom I had hurt, and continue my education. I find it most important to pluck up the courage to seek help, and to have someone to stand by you. In my opinion, there are too few drug treatment programmes in Pomurje.”
Municipalities show no support for a day centre
Doctor Nenad Petrović has also addressed the issue. He has been treating addicts from Pomurje for nearly twenty years. He stresses that 27 municipalities in Pomurje show no support for a day centre for drug addicts. However, since the number of addicts is increasing – and many of them also suffer from psychic disorder – at least a day centre and a group of therapists are required.
The Murska Sobota Social Services Centre has now seized the initiative in order to improve the conditions. Preparations for a regional drug treatment programme are under way. The programme is aimed at both addicts and their children (approximately 50). The Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia is expected to invite tenders for a drug treatment programme early next year. However, the Murska Sobota Social Work Centre hopes that the municipalities from Pomurje will also submit their tenders for funding a desperately needed day centre for drug addicts.