The precipitations increased in the morning, and the snowfall boundary has dropped to the lowlands in several parts of the hinterland. By the evening, when the precipitations will stop in most parts of the country, from 10 to 25 centimetres of snow will have fallen in the altitude above 500 metres, and in lowlands less than 10 centimetres of snow are expected.
The largest quantity of snow will fall in high mountain ranges. Especially in the Julian Alps even 50 cm of fresh snow are expected, which will increase the danger of avalanches.
This morning the traffic at the Koroško region was hindered by fallen trees, and in some parts of the Styria region there were problems with electric supply. Some weather-related problems occurred also at the coastal region, where water flooded some houses, and some landslides occurred. The rivers in the Primorje region are still rising, and they might overflow, while bora is causing up to 2 metres high waves.