The candidates can refer to the Unified contact centre at the Slovene Ministry of Public Administration for help with eventual technical problems with their electronic application, while for other questions they can refer to the Ministry of education, science and sport ( Foto: BoBo
The candidates can refer to the Unified contact centre at the Slovene Ministry of Public Administration for help with eventual technical problems with their electronic application, while for other questions they can refer to the Ministry of education, science and sport ( Foto: BoBo

Universities and independent higher education establishments have opened 19,121 enrolment places for the first year of undergraduate and uniform post-graduate study programmes for the citizens of Slovenia and the EU countries, 15,657 of which for full-time, and 3,464 for part-time study. Besides that number 1,750 enrolment places are intended for students of Slovenian nationality without the Slovenian citizenship, and for foreigners – 1,221 for full-time study, and 606 for part-time study.

As reported by Nataša Lang for Radio Slovenija, this year as well the higher education establishments reduced the number of enrolment places by almost 700 compared to the last year. As established by the Higher Education Application-Information Service of the University of Ljubljana in their last analysis of applications and enrolments for the current year, during the period of ten years both the number of applications and the number of students have been decreasing, while the number of enrolment places opened by the higher education establishments has been diminishing for the last four years.

New – electronic enrolment
In the autumn the number of students at the domestic higher education establishments will be again smaller than currently. This year's generation of secondary school graduates is smaller than last year, and as a consequence of the single electronic register of students at least 15,000 young people will lose their student status, and will therefore land at the Employment office. The electronic applications will be the only way to enrol for a higher vocational college, the deadline for enrolment in these expires in two days.

The uniform electronic application is this year's novelty. The candidates can apply to a higher education establishment with a digital certificate or an electronic signature, and in their application they can list, in preferential order, up to three study programmes according to their wishes.