This year's slogan of the European Mobility Week is ‘Clean Air – It’s your move’. Each town and city is expected to take the appropriate measures to reduce car traffic.
Some of the municipalities will temporarily close a part of the streets for car traffic, and all of them are preparing a number of events, and several measures for sustainable mobility. Municipalities can have a car-free day any day during the Mobility Week, and close city centres for vehicular traffic, but generally the last day of the European Mobility Week in intended for this initiative, i.e. September 22.
Closure of Slovenska Road a sustainable measure
This year Ljubljana is introducing two sustainable measures. The first is reorganisation and permanent closure of the section of Slovenska Road between Gosposvetska Road and Šubičeva Street for motor traffic, and the second introduction of electric minibus into the closed areas of the city centre.
Free transport in Maribor
The central stages of the happening in Maribor will be Liberty Square, Leon Štukelj Square and Lent; there the citizens will be encouraged to spend their free time in an active manner. The transport by city busses will be free of charge.
More bicycles in Velenje
The new covered bus station close to the city stadium, and the Business Educational Centre, belongs among this year's sustainable measures in Velenje. New bicycles stands will be installed, and two new BICY stops added. The car-free day will take place on Wednesday, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., on Rudarska street.
Cars in abundance
Every second person in Slovenia owns a car; judging by this fact we might jump to conclusion that we are the second richest nation in Europe, right behind Luxemburg. On the other hand the air we breathe is almost the worst, at least in our capital, as each of the Slovenian cars in average emits into the air more than 3,000 kg of gases per year.