"As the expanding of the universe should be understood as simultaneous expanding of the space, you can never be "outside" or "at the edge". There is nothing out there, not even space, therefore it is not possible to be at the edge," Zwitter answered the question posed by one of the users on his idea of the edge of the universe. And it is not strange if you find the answer confusing, he added. "The nature is richer than our imagination, or experiences," Zwitter underlined the fact we should be aware of.
The professor of astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology at the Ljubljana Faculty of Mathematics and Physics is constantly surprised by the universe. "Often, unexpectedly and over and over again, you become aware that the nature is richer than your expectations. Nobody expected methane rivers, clouds and rain on Saturn's moon Titan, or a number of huge, planets, including Earth-like ones, revolving around other stars. And we could mention the dark matter we had spoken about twenty years ago (and are still speaking of), but the term dark energy was not known at all, yet in the universe, energy-wise, it constitutes the majority, he explained.
Today the science allows us to make a »time machine«, as based on the data obtained from space we are able, with the aid of computers, to reconstruct detailed models of events which had happened billions of years ago. And the findings make us realize that our Earth on the space scale keeps losing its special status …, explained the professor.