Kos introduced her vision for the enlargement portfolio she was assigned by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday.

Kos said that ''to her, enlargement is synonymous with the EU, and the EU is synonymous with peace'', adding that ''never before European security has been so much at the fore,’’ the STA reports.

''How will we ensure it, and not only in terms of defense, it is also about better protection of external borders, it is about managing migration and, of course, at the end of the day, it is also about security in the supply of food and drinking water, never before we have not connected water to safety in such form as it is today.''

The debate was dominated by opposition MPs, who questioned Marta Kos' fitness to become commissioner, the STA adds.

Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović
Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović