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Rezultati iskanja
All his life Peter lived with horses that are part of the natural and cultural heritage of the Bulgarian village of Bachevo, where he was born. After finishing sports academy, he returned to the home estate, where about 20 horses were reared. Already during his studies, he developed the idea of therapy with horses for children with special needs, which, apart from horse tourism, became an important activity on the estate that he manages with his father, sister and his wife, Iva. Peter is also thinking a lot about the circular management on the estate with including Californian worms. New plans do not run out in the development of horse tourism.
Pavlos je študiral entomologijo, vedo o žuželkah, ter se vrnil v majhno grško vas , kjer mu je ded zapustil stoletni oljčnik. In tako je nastal nov projekt z deviškim oljčnim oljem.
Ivana je podedovala posestvo svojega očeta z ribnikom in zemljiščem. Čeprav sta z možem načrtovala, da si poiščeta delo v tujini, je prevladala odločitev, da se začneta ukvarjati s sadjarstvom. Kutine so postale njun uspešen projekt.
Stoyan is a ski instructor who lives in the village of Bachevo in Bulgaria. He always had a lot of different plans, so he came up with the idea of connecting sport with quail eggs. Quail eggs are a quality protein product, which Stoyan successfully incorporates into his daily nutrition as an athlete while he also successfully markets them. The farm with quail eggs was designed and built by himself, and he also acquired European money for the project. His goal is to market eggs in the future in gastronomy and tourism.
Anni and Viljami, brother and sister, decided on farming a few months ago as the 14th generation of farmers in their family. Viljami has 18 years and his sister is over 20. The parents already wanted to sell a dairy farm when their children decided to create their future in food production. Their ather was pleasantly surprised by their decision and soon new plans were created in connection with the construction of a new modern barn with the latest milking technology. Anni and Viljami are also very satisfied with the price of milk on the Finnish market and optimistically see their future.
After the studies in Estonian university capital Tartu, Viljar started his father's dream. He started building a new dairy farm on an ecological farm, where he combines the knowledge from the past with modern technology. Emerging new dairy is also associated with the renewable energy of the sun. Viljar is full of plans for eco-friendly dairy products and believes the food is a strategic source for our future.
Is it possible to survive on a small farm in Slovenia after you had a good job in the bank and a trading company in the capital? After two years of living on the farm, Miha and Katja are convinced it is possible. A few years ago they sold the apartment in Ljubljana and went to Goricko, where today they live on the farm and produce tea from cannabis, buckwheat and other herbs. As a young farmer, they also acquired EU money to build a new drying room. They don't regret the decision to leave the city.
Josefine comes from Sweden, where she first studied economy and after finishing decided to turn to agriculture. Her parents were already cultivating vegetables, while Josefine started her own story on the family farm - she created a brand "Josefine's Strawberries", which became very recognizable in the south of Sweden. The young Swedish woman is proud of her company and aims to keep strawberries on the market from May to September. Josefine is convinced ideas need to be developed courageously. .
Jakob studied physics when he decided to start breeding Slovenian autochthonous pigs. He started a partnership with farmer Jože, who helps him with breeding, while himself is focusing on the marketing of quality meat and meat products; he also upgraded the project with a restaurant in the center of Ljubljana.
Peter and Laura changed the dream career of mechanical engineer and an architect to live on a tourist farm above Šoštanj in Slovenia. After four years they do not regret their decision and are developing the project of hay milk and circulation on the farm. In the EU, only 7.5 percent of farmers are under 35 years old.
Mladi hrvaški kmetje se združujejo in povezujejo tudi s kolegi iz drugih evropskih držav, s čimer pridobivajo tudi nova znanja. Za mlade Hrvate pridelava hrane, tudi inovativnih pridelkov kot je zeleni paradižnik za sušenje ali pa bučni rezanci prinaša nove izzive.
Pavlos studied entomology, science about insects and after returned to a small Greek village, where his grandfather left his centenary olive tree. And so, a new project with virgin olive oil was created.
Anni in Viljami, brat in sestra sta se za kmetovanje odločila pred nekaj meseci. Viljami ima 18 let njegova sestra nekaj čez 20. Starši so že hoteli prodati mlečno kmetijo, ko sta se mlada Finca odločila, da si svojo prihodnost ustvarita v pridelavi hrane. Oče je bil nad odločitvijo prijetno presenečen in nastali so novi načrti v zvezi z izgradnjo novega sodobnega hleva s prosto rejo in najnovejšo tehnologijo molže. Anni in Viljami sta zelo zadovoljna tudi s ceno mleka na finskem trgu in optimistično vidita svojo prihodnost.
Nova serija oddaj Young Village folk , tokrat o mladih, ki si ustvarjajo delovna mesta v pridelavi hrane v različnih evropskih državah. 25 zgodb je nastalo v 8 evropskih državah na Finskem, Švedskem, v Estoniji na Hrvaškem , v Italiji, Avstriji , Franciji in Bolgariji in pripovedujejo o svežih, inovativnih idejah mladih ki nam pridelujejo hrano, o njihovih pogledih na življenje in delo v kmetijstvu ter njihovih željah in načrtih za prihodnost. V EU je le 7,5 odstotkov kmetov mlajših od 35 let in kar 53 odstotkov starejših od 55 let. S serijo oddaj Young Villlage Folk, z zgodbami, dobrimi praksami mladih evropskih kmetov, sporočamo , da lahko mladi danes iščejo inovativna delovna mesta tudi v pridelavi hrane. Oddaja je sofinancirana iz EU sredstev in je zato dostopna brez registracije tudi zunaj Slovenije.
The largest Thuringian goat farm in the world is growing in Estonia, built by Kermo and Linda, who won the title of the most innovative young Estonian farmer in 2016. There will soon be 500 goats on the estate, which they feed with renewable energy of dried hay. Rough hay milk and other products are easily marketed in Estonia and certainly soon in other European countries.
In the heart of Finland, the pig farm was replaced by an innovative idea of farming. More and more farmers in Finland are dropping the pigs due to high costs and low prices. And so, after consulting with a friend who is rising insects, Panu for producing grass hoppers.. The initial investment was not large, around 2000 euros. In 5 to 6 weeks, grass hoppers are fertile, which is comparable to chicken farming. Grasshoppers contain 70 to 80 percent of proteins and insects may become proteins of our future. Insect breeding has been allowed for some time in Denmark and Netherlands, while Finland adopted the law on producing this protein food in 2017.
Nova serija oddaj Young Village folk , tokrat o mladih, ki si ustvarjajo delovna mesta v pridelavi hrane v različnih evropskih državah. 25 zgodb je nastalo v 8 evropskih državah na Finskem, Švedskem, v Estoniji na Hrvaškem , v Italiji, Avstriji , Franciji in Bolgariji in pripovedujejo o svežih, inovativnih idejah mladih ki nam pridelujejo hrano, o njihovih pogledih na življenje in delo v kmetijstvu ter njihovih željah in načrtih za prihodnost. V EU je le 7,5 odstotkov kmetov mlajših od 35 let in kar 53 odstotkov starejših od 55 let. S serijo oddaj Young Villlage Folk, z zgodbami, dobrimi praksami mladih evropskih kmetov, sporočamo , da lahko mladi danes iščejo inovativna delovna mesta tudi v pridelavi hrane. Oddaja je sofinancirana iz EU sredstev in je zato dostopna brez registracije tudi zunaj Slovenije.
Jenni and Simon live in the village Gate in Sweden and created their jobs with the project of rising 130 bisons for safari, meat processing and culinary on the estate. Simon's grandfather inspired both of them for a bison farm, visited by 20,000 people per year.
In Finland there are only 10 percent of farmers under 35 years of age. Matti bought a farm with a centuries-old tradition from his parents, which is the practice in Finland. Like his ancestors he is growing sweet pea in the city of Kokemäki, where there are quite a few young farmers who are very optimistic about their future in agriculture. The purchase instead of the inheritance of the farm from their parents is a Finnish custom, which, however, represents a big financial burden for the young farmer, which can only be partially covered by a European subsidies.
Nova serija oddaj Young Village folk , tokrat o mladih, ki si ustvarjajo delovna mesta v pridelavi hrane v različnih evropskih državah. 25 zgodb je nastalo v 8 evropskih državah na Finskem, Švedskem, v Estoniji na Hrvaškem , v Italiji, Avstriji , Franciji in Bolgariji in pripovedujejo o svežih, inovativnih idejah mladih ki nam pridelujejo hrano, o njihovih pogledih na življenje in delo v kmetijstvu ter njihovih željah in načrtih za prihodnost. V EU je le 7,5 odstotkov kmetov mlajših od 35 let in kar 53 odstotkov starejših od 55 let. S serijo oddaj Young Villlage Folk, z zgodbami, dobrimi praksami mladih evropskih kmetov, sporočamo , da lahko mladi danes iščejo inovativna delovna mesta tudi v pridelavi hrane. Oddaja je sofinancirana iz EU sredstev in je zato dostopna brez registracije tudi zunaj Slovenije.
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