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Zaradi gorečega tovornega vozila je zaprta primorska avtocesta med Vrhniko in Brezovico proti Ljubljani, proti Kopru je zaprt prehitevalni pas.

Avtorji Gregor Valenčič

Šport Česen in Stražar na sedemtisočaku Latoku spisala zgodovino


Slovenca Aleš Česen in Luka Stražar ter Britanec Tom Livingstone so šele drugi v zgodovini, ki so osvojili vrh Latoka, in prvi, ki so na 7145 metrov visoki pakistanski vrh priplezali s severne strani.

News in English Pohorje Bike Park as it used to be


Pohorje Bike Park finally looks like it did in the past and it attracts a lot of mountain bikers, especially from Austria.

Šport Po šestih dneh z višine 6.200 metrov v izjemni akciji rešili ruskega alpinista


Pakistanski vojaški piloti so v torek na 7.145 metrov visokem Latoku I rešili ruskega alpinista Alexandra Gukova, ki je ujet na višini več kot 6.200 metrov preživel šest dni.

Šport Andrzej Bargiel po smučanju s K2: Zdaj mi ni treba več nazaj sem


Tako sem vesel, da mi je uspelo v drugem poskusu in mi ne bo treba več nazaj sem, je dejal 30-letni poljski alpinist Andrzej Bargiel, ki je kot prvi Zemljan smučal z vrha druge največje gore na ...

News in English A new bus link will connect Slovenia with Venice and Treviso airports


Slovenia is getting a new bus link to the world. The Nomago Shuttle Bus will connect Ljubljana with the airports in Venice and Treviso.

News in English Mandarić still mulling over Bišćan’s fate


Football club NK Olimpija issued a press-release informing that the club’s president, Milan Mandarić, and head coach of the first team, Igor Bišćan, still haven’t reached a deal.

Evropska unija Evropsko sodišče obsodilo Litvo in Romunijo zaradi tajnih zaporov Cie


Evropsko sodišče za človekove pravice (ESČP) je v dveh razsodbah obsodilo Litvo in Romunijo zaradi sodelovanja z ameriško tajno službo Cia pri mučenju terorističnih osumljencev v skrivnih zaporih na ...

News in English Cesar would have wanted to keep playing for Slovenia, but Kavčič has decided otherwise


On Tuesday, the Slovenian national soccer team will play a friendly against Belarus at the Stožice Stadium. Slovenia’s long-time captain Boštjan Cesar will bid farewell from the team after the game.

News in English Memorial to fallen allied air craft unveiled in Vinica


In Slovenia there are several places where memorials preserve the memory of how important the allied forces were for the country during the Second World War.

News in English Relief for Peter Prevc – Slovenia on the podium after all


Saturday's ski flying event in Planica ended with Norway's reliable victory in the team match.

News in English Pleasant aromas return to Pogačar Square with the Open Kitchen


After winter hibernation, the Open Kitchen, a popular culinary market in Ljubljana, re-opened for the sixth season of successful operation this Friday at 10 am.

News in English Photo: Lea Sirk filmed a Eurovision postcard in the Azores


Lea Sirk, the Slovenian representative at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, spent last weekend on Faial Island, where she filmed a so-called “postcard” that the Eurovision audience will be able ...

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