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Zaradi gorečega tovornega vozila je zaprta primorska avtocesta med Vrhniko in Brezovico proti Ljubljani, proti Kopru je zaprt prehitevalni pas.

Avtorji Gregor Valenčič

News in English Čeferin felt as if he was watching the most dirty political debate


The New Year wishes of the new president of the Slovenian Football Association, Rade Mijatović, are for the 1st Slovenian football league to remain popular and undecided until the very end of the ...

News in English "Life may be turned upside down in the blink of an eye"


Festive days are supposed to be days of rest and socialising with family and friends, which is why most people simply wish for peaceful holidays.

News in English "He took Slovenia far – and raised it high into the sky"


The Person of the Year as selected by the radio station Val 202 is Peter Prevc, the ski jumper who capped an exceptional season in the best possible way at this year’s ski jumping competition in ...

Svet Albanija še daleč od enotnega mnenja o Enverju Hoxhi


Kar nekaj presenečenja in jeze je med Albanci prinesla anketa o njihovih pogledih na komunistično preteklost in stalinističnega diktatorja Enverja Hoxho, saj jih ni malo, ki to obdobje zgodovine in ...

News in English Vipava Valley turns a new page


The Vipava Valley has a new online presence. A new website and a new promotional video were recently launched to promote the unique attractions of the valley.

News in English PM Cerar endorses MEP Lojze Peterle for EP presidency bid


Prime Minister Miro Cerar, Parliament Speaker Milan Brglez, Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, and the opposition New Slovenia (NSi) have all backed the candidacy of MEP Lojze Peterle for the position ...

Svet Bocvana po pol stoletja afriške zgodbe o uspehu izgublja sijaj


Bocvana praznuje pol stoletja neodvisnosti in v tem času je dosegla zavidljiv napredek, s čimer si je prislužila naziv afriška zgodba o uspehu, a vse ni sijoče, kot se zdi.

News in English Pevec narrowly escaped death at age 18, now set to compete in Rio


Veselka Pevec is one of Slovenia’s most successful Paralympians. At the 2014 World Championships in Suhl, Germany, she became the world champion in the Falling Targets event.

Svet Našli še drugo črno skrinjico egiptovskega letala


V Sredozemskem morju so našli še drugo skrinjico letala egiptovske letalske družbe EgyptAir s tehničnimi podatki o poletu, potem ko so na površje že prenesli črno skrinjico z zvočnimi posnetki iz ...

News in English Slovenian new Pasta World Champion


Jure Tomič from Debeluh restaurant from Brežice is considered one of the best Slovenian chefs – and now he is crowned as Pasta World Champion as well.

Svet Pogajalec sirske opozicije se umika zaradi neuspeha mirovnih pogovorov


Vodja pogajalcev glavne koalicije opozicijskih sil v Siriji Mohamed Aluš je odstopil zaradi neuspeha mirovnih pogajanj pod posredništvom ZN-a, ki naj bi približala končanje vojne in omilila ...

News in English After 16 matches and less than two years Slovenia has a new jersey


The Slovenian Football Association presented the new national team jersey. The Slovenian national football team will play with the new jerseys on Wednesday.

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