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Evropski poslanci so razpravljali o energetski učinkovitosti, o seznamu uhajanj ogljika, tudi o nagradi Saharova in o programu Erasmus+.
V Evropskem parlamentu v Bruslju se je odvijala razprava Citizens' Corner, ki jo podpira tudi Evropska komisija. Na temo socialne varnosti in iskanja zaposlitve v državah EU, so jo tokrat pripravili naši poljski kolegi z radia Polskie Radio.
Letošnji vsebinski poudarek Dnevov evropske kulturne dediščine je namenjen izobraževanju o dediščini in poteka pod geslom: “Dediščina gre v šole.”
827 epizod
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
Evropski poslanci so razpravljali o energetski učinkovitosti, o seznamu uhajanj ogljika, tudi o nagradi Saharova in o programu Erasmus+.
V Evropskem parlamentu v Bruslju se je odvijala razprava Citizens' Corner, ki jo podpira tudi Evropska komisija. Na temo socialne varnosti in iskanja zaposlitve v državah EU, so jo tokrat pripravili naši poljski kolegi z radia Polskie Radio.
Letošnji vsebinski poudarek Dnevov evropske kulturne dediščine je namenjen izobraževanju o dediščini in poteka pod geslom: “Dediščina gre v šole.”
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.
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