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Euranet Plus


Še vedno je v ospredju takoimenovana afera LuxLeaks, skrajna desnica zdaj zahteva odstop Jean Clauda Junckerja, a na splošno so voditelji strank stopili na njegovo stran. Pod drobnogled so vzeta pogajanja med EU in ZDA o transatlantskem trgovinskem sporazumu. Ponekod mu nasprotujejo, spet drugje pa verjamejo, da lahko pakt prinese tudi kaj dobrega, zlasti tesnejšo povezanost gospodarstva obeh celin. Evropska poslanka Tanja Fajon je v spregovorila predvsem o trenutnih težavah pri delu evropske komisije zaradi takoimenovane afere LuxLeaks, ki močno bremeni aktualnega predsednika Jeana Clauda Junckerja.

Euranet Plus

827 epizod

Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.

Euranet Plus


Še vedno je v ospredju takoimenovana afera LuxLeaks, skrajna desnica zdaj zahteva odstop Jean Clauda Junckerja, a na splošno so voditelji strank stopili na njegovo stran. Pod drobnogled so vzeta pogajanja med EU in ZDA o transatlantskem trgovinskem sporazumu. Ponekod mu nasprotujejo, spet drugje pa verjamejo, da lahko pakt prinese tudi kaj dobrega, zlasti tesnejšo povezanost gospodarstva obeh celin. Evropska poslanka Tanja Fajon je v spregovorila predvsem o trenutnih težavah pri delu evropske komisije zaradi takoimenovane afere LuxLeaks, ki močno bremeni aktualnega predsednika Jeana Clauda Junckerja.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.



Radio Si coordinates and prepares various shows about Euripean affairs, which are broadcast on the news programmes and special shows of Radio Slovenija. Of the 70 minutes of programming a week, the biggest portion goes to news and information broadcasts, although there is also a special weekly show.

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